Lismore Golf Club
Lismore Golf Club Re-Opening 18th May 2020
Subject to the Government confirmation of Phase 1 commencing, Lismore Golf Club will resume activity from May 18th, 2020 - under the Irish government’s Roadmap for Reopening of Society and Business.
Web Links
We will be entering Phase 1 of 5 with Phase 2 set to start on the 8th of June 2020
The following are the requirements to ensure the safe start to Golf Play.
Members with colds or any symptoms of COVID-19 are requested to stay away from the golf course/clubhouse.
Physical distancing rules are observed by all members at all times in the car park, clubhouse and on the course.
Play is restricted to:
- Paid up members only
- No Juniors allowed
- Casual golf only (no Club Competitions or Opens). -
Lismore Golf Club Personnel will be on hand to monitor adherence with physical distancing rules and the rules for golfers set out.
Tee times can booked up to three days in advance online through Masterscoreboard only
Use this link from Mobile Phones:
Use this link from laptops or tablets:
Monday May 18th tee times will be available for booking from Friday 15th onwards.
You must put all players in on the one booking (select number of players to book 3) -
Further information on the booking process will be provided in the coming days.
Time sheets are mandatory for contact tracing should the need arise.
Daily timesheets are restricted up to 3 golfers who may play per tee time to a minimum of 14-minute intervals. Initially this will be restricted to Nine Holes only.
Bars/restaurants remain closed and off-limits as per government policy.
Clubhouse access will be confined to use of toilet facilities and initial retrieval of golf equipment from lockers, with no social gatherings, of any size, at the facility.
Members are instructed not to touch the flag or flagstick.
- Rakes are removed from the course.
- Players are requested to smooth bunkers using their feet or a club.
- Holes/cups should be altered to facilitate easy retrieval of golf balls. -
The practice putting green will be open but the holes will be filled in or covered.
Where a golf buggy must be used, it should be used by one person only and cannot be exchanged between people during the round.
These requirements will be reviewed weekly by Lismore Golf Club and further updates will be provided via WhatsApp.
As per instructions from the GUI/ILGU it should be noted that the Government continues to monitor the situation closely and have not ruled out the reintroduction of restrictions which could see golf clubs closed once again if the Protocol is not followed.
For Help In Registering With MasterScoreBoard See
The Following YouTube Video
For Help In Booking A Tee Time
On MasterScoreBoard See The
Following YouTube Video
These videos can be viewed on a mobile phone through YouTube App but for the best experience a Laptop or Tablet is recommended.
If you have forgotten your password it will need to be reset by a committee member. Please contact someone to arrange a password reset so you can book a tee time.